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Summer Plans

Summer Plans

I can't remember the last time I got time to post on blog. I feel really bad about just being stuck in studies and not being able to write. But, now I got some time, at least for summer, and I have got a few goals set:

  1. I plan to write and post a lot. 
  2. I will be visiting a friend of mine in Singapore, and I am super-excited about it. 
  3. I also have a re-union planned with my old friends. 
  4. I am going to work out everyday, and loose weight and get fitter. 
  5. I am spending summer with my family, so lots of cousin time. 
  6. Also, I have to recharge myself for fall, when I really have to gear up for studies. 
  7. I might also go sky-diving this summer. I wanna do it so bad!

So tell me lovelies, what you have been up to? How is summer for you? Anyone going to beautiful places for vacation?


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